
Friday, June 4, 2010


this is just a design piece.
i do alot of flyers for shows with local bands and whatnot.
this is one that i didnt really take much time doing but i liked how it turned out. sometimes i actually use that graphic design degree i got.

all photoshop
the skeleton, skull, and border elements are some stock vector graphics i got for free at Vintage Vectors website
the paper texture i just typed in "old paper texture" into google image search and found it.

designed with a old looking typewriter font and then i went through and did some further "eroding" on the text and graphics... and presto.

i like it.

Sunday, May 23, 2010

Words of Wisdom

"Art is very difficult. It demands humility and respect. It also requires a tremendous amount of practice, determination and commitment on the part of the artist. Your ability to achieve and understanding of this craft and your ability to make a living is largely a result of your determination and your will. Talent makes an appearance somewhere. But talent with no drive or hunger is pretty darn useless. The amount of passion and stamina required to become and remain an artist has to last a lifetime. You have to want this more than ANYTHING else." - Klaus Janson on becoming an comic book artist...

i printed this out and hung it up. time to get to work.

Thursday, May 20, 2010

Hell House Cover

so figured id post some stuff here. my cousin chase turned me on to having a blog.

so yeah. here is a piece by the artist here is Yozora Tsubasa. a young man from Ecudora.

inked by me in manga studio 4.

this is for a book called Hell House coming our from Viper Comics in July.
small solicitation for it.
party on.


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